May 25, 2014

Crochet Wall Storage Pockets

It is incredible among Pinterest and crochet magazines how much creativity and ideas you can find for your crochet projects…with the tiny danger of ending up having yourself and your place covered in crochet… which I personally don't see it as a bad thing (not sure about my hubby, but better not ask ;) )….so I feel pretty justified for my last project!!!

I had decided I wanted to realize something for my house….and, after flipping around on Pinterest for a while, I thought that a nice crochet wall storage would have been the perfect project to get me involved!

Regarding the pattern, feeling pretty lucky to get "Inside Crochet" delivered home, I found a lovely crochet tidy pattern designed by Ali Campbell in the issue 51...and I felt like going for it!!

The main stitch used is very basic and simple, which made this the perfect project to work on rainy days while watching a movie or my addictive tv series….as it takes a bit longer to realize but being the stitch quite simple it does not require your full attention!   

I am quite happy with the outcome, though I am thinking of possibly playing with some fabric on the pockets..or would that make it too crowded?..not too sure for the moment...what would be your suggestion?

Wish you all a lovely weekend!

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May 10, 2014

Tiny crochet purse

The issue 51 of Inside Crochet inspired me to a couple of new projects I am currently working on…one of them being this tiny purse, with the pattern by Sarah Coad!

I always thought it would have been very difficult to put it together, especially as I don't have a lot of experience in sawing and I was worried that when putting the crochet bit together to the frame I would have made it look a bit messy :p

Luckily, I have to say that it is way simpler than you could guess to realize, and you can work it out how make the stripes straight with respect to the frame.

What do you think of my color picks?

As for the silver frames, they can be easily found on Etsy…and, of course, I did order more than one ;) ….which means that I will soon put my mind at work and see how to personalize these tiny purses to make customized presents for my friends, with colors, maybe some beads or some appliqués…we'll see!

I hope you like it

Wishing you a lovely weekend

May 04, 2014

Crochet Hearths…..bag accessories?

Until September 2013, when I moved in with my hubby, I used to share a lovely old Georgian house in London with my adorable flatmate / best friend Amy!

She basically saw me playing with crochet since my first moments and she's always been very supporting as well as very excited and proud of my outputs!

Last month I was showing her the bunny amigurumi I had realized and she asked me "when you have some free time….you know I love small things, would you do something for me?"

So I looked around for ideas and I found several tutorials for crochet hearths…In particular I used the tutorial from the blog of amiamore to make a tiny red hearth, and the tutorial from freshstitches for a medium size green hearth!

Both tutorial were really easy to follow and quick to realize, and the fresh stitches free download has three different sizes you can play with, according to what you'd like to use your crochet hearth for!

I had fun making them and I can't wait to give them to Amy!!! I hope she's gonna like them and maybe use them as accessories for bags? (I think I personally like them on bags ;) )


I hope I inspired you with quick ideas for small presents for the ones you love!

Wishing you a Happy Sunday
